Gilreath & Associates

Jan 16, 2015

By Staff Writer

Man Driving

Some car accidents will occur even when you are obeying all the rules and being as cautious as possible. However, many can be avoided if we take driving seriously and realize what a big responsibility it is to be behind the wheel. All Tennessee drivers need to do their part in keeping the roads safe.

According to the National Highway Traffic  Administration  (NHTA), a car accident happens around the world every 60 seconds. In Tennessee, approximately 150,000 car accidents happen per year resulting in 1,000 deaths. You wonder how many of these could be eliminated if we all practiced driving responsibly.

  • Limit all distractions – It is your responsibility to keep 100 percent focused while on the road. This includes texting, distractions while talking on cell phone, and just “being in another world.”
  • Buckle Up – For your safety and those around you, please take two seconds to buckle!
  • Drive the speed limit – There are speed limits for a reason. Obey them!
  • Remain in control – If your car begins to speed out of control, you must react quickly to avoid hitting others. This also means don’t follow someone too close so that you can come to a quick stop if needed and not hit the person in front of you.
  • Obey all Tennessee laws – Examples of this would be no driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, respecting the right away of pedestrians and driving on the right side of the road! Become familiar with the laws of Tennessee to help you be a better and safer driver!

Our hope for you and your family is to be safe on the roads!  If you or a family member has been seriously hurt or your loved one killed due to what you believe was an unsafe and irresponsible driver, please contact our experienced car accident attorneys at Gilreath for a free consultation. For further information on the duties ALL driver have, read this article in our knowledge center.