Gilreath & Associates

Jul 20, 2015

By Staff Writer


If you have been involved in a hit and run accident, then you already realize how stressful such a situation can be. The Department of Motor Vehicles describes a hit and run accident as “any accident in which a driver intentionally leaves the scene without providing contact information.”Some examples of a hit and run accident are when your unattended parked car is hit and the person leaves no contact information. Or perhaps you as a pedestrian are hit and the individual drives away from the scene without offering any help or calling an ambulance. A hit and run can also be when your vehicle is hit while you are driving (or at a stop) and the person leaves the scene.

There are any number of reasons why a person may flee the scene of an accident:

  • They are under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • They are driving without a license
  • They have a warrant out for their arrest
  • They have no insurance
  • They were texting and driving
  • They were scared and made a bad decision

Whatever the reason, the law clearly states that leaving the scene of an accident (especially one that you caused) is unacceptable.

Hit and Run: Post-Accident Steps

As the victim of a hit and run accident, you should be aware of several important steps that should be taken immediately following the accident.

  • Call police immediately.
  • Gather as much information as possible. (Can you get a description of the car or driver?  Were there witnesses?  If so, what did they see?)
  • Call your insurance company immediately.
  • Take pictures.
  • Don’t move anything until after police arrive.
  • Stay as calm as possible.

It is shocking when a person flees the scene of an accident, but according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, hit and run accidents are on the rise every year.

If you have been a victim of this especially devastating type of accident, contact an experienced Tennessee car accident attorney at Gilreath & Associates for expert legal guidance on how to get through this difficult and tricky situation.