Gilreath & Associates

Feb 11, 2016

By Staff Writer


Driving is anything if not hassle-free: children arguing, an important call coming through and looking up directions you forgot to find before leaving the house are only a few examples of the many distractions that crop up while in the car. However inevitable these distractions are, they are still the cause of innumerable automobile accidents across the country every year.

Here are some quick tips for getting rid of distractions that make driving more dangerous.

Avoid the Cell Phone

Let’s get the obvious out of the way first: using a cell phone while driving has proven to be incredibly dangerous. In fact, it’s recommended to completely turn off your device while on the road. If you must use your phone or take an important call, pull over to a safe location. No conversation is worth losing a life.

The state of Tennessee does not prohibit the use of cell phones by motorists for voice calls, with the exception of novice or intermediate drivers. Texting while operating a vehicle, however, is prohibited under Tennessee law.

Secure Loose Items

Make sure that any loose items are properly secured to prevent you from trying to right them while on the road. This includes pets that may be tagging along for the ride.

Remember the GPS

Forgetting to set the GPS before hitting the road is a common mistake, but it can prove to be a costly distraction. Be sure all maps and directions are safely available for use before starting the car.

Do Not Drive Drowsy

Driving an automobile while drowsy is reported to be responsible for over 800 deaths and even more accidents across the United States within a single year. Always be on the safe side and find a place to pull over if you feel sleepy at any point. Do not speed up in an attempt to arrive faster.

Groom and Eat Before Leaving

Brushing your hair, applying makeup or having your coffee while on the road are common driving distractions. Make sure you’re completely ready for the day, have had breakfast and are as alert as possible prior to taking a drive.

Let Passengers Help

If you are driving with a passenger, have them make calls for you, retrieve any stray items or control pets while you’re concentrating on the road. Even allowing your passenger to operate the radio will help you avoid distraction.

If you’ve been involved in an accident with a distracted driver, contact us today for a free consultation. To learn more about avoiding automobile accidents and maintaining safety on the road, be sure to browse our site and read up on distracted driving and your legal rights.