Gilreath & Associates

Aug 30, 2011

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is considered to be a serious public health concern by the Centers for Disease Control. Approximately 1.7 million people a year in the U.S. sustain some sort of traumatic brain injury, with thousands of these occurring in Tennessee.

Effects from these injuries range in severity from just a mild concussion to more serious, permanent disability.

And while the effects of brain injury can last a life time, the cause can occur in a split second.

Continue reading for a brief overview of the 5 leading causes of traumatic brain injury according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

1.       Falls – 35.2%

The most common accident in general, falls are the leading cause of brain injury in both the U.S. and Tennessee. Among children ages 0-14, falls cause 50% of traumatic brain injuries. For seniors over 65, falls are the cause of an astounding 62% of TBIs!

2.       Traffic Accidents – 17.3%

Auto accidents constitute the 2nd leading cause of traumatic brain injury among all age groups. However, accidents like these are leading cause of death from brain injury.

3.       Striking/Being Struck By an Object – 16.5%

The third leading cause of traumatic brain injuries in general, striking or being struck by an object is in fact the 2nd leading cause of traumatic brain injuries (25%) among children ages 0-14.

4.       Assault – 10%

Physical assault is another common cause of traumatic brain injury, accounting for 10% of all TBIs in the U.S. Fortunately, assault was the cause for only 2.9% of brain injuries in children and 1% in elderly adults.

5.       Unknown/Other – 21%

Other causes or traumatic brain injury are in fact unknown or very rare. It’s sometimes difficult to pinpoint the cause of a brain injury since the effects may not show up for a long time.

Effects from brain injury vary far and wide ranging from very minor concussions to death. Of the annual 1.7 million brain injuries, over 275,000 require hospitalization and 52,000 die each year. Young children and the elderly are two groups who are at higher risk for brain injury. Separated by gender, males are more commonly diagnosed with a TBI (59%) than females.

Traumatic brain injury is a serious condition that can pose dramatic consequences for your life. Expensive, perhaps financially devastating medical bills, lost time from work and general stress are just a few of the consequences.

If you’ve sustained a brain injury caused by negligence, there are options available for you to  obtain compensation for your costs, lost time from work and pain and suffering. Brain injury attorneys and Nashville’s Gilreath and Associates are well experienced in helping injury victims seek justice. Our team possesses decades of experience helping injury victims get the compensation they need and deserve.

We invite you to contact us today to discuss your case and evaluate legal options.